
Showing posts with the label horses

30 Days of Christmas Day 16: Pet Peccadilloes

A peccadillo is a behavior that is a little odd and particular to one person--or in this case, pet. I've listed some pets we've had and their idiosyncrasies, and I invite you to share your list. *A cat named Fred who went hunting with my husband, following at his heels like a hound whenever he left the house with a gun. *A horse named Dolly who guarded the water trough and only let the cows and other horses drink when she felt they deserved it. *A cat named Ching-a-ling who (somehow) climbed to the top shelf of a floor-to-ceiling bookcase and sat as still as a statue until just the right moment and then scared the bejeebers out of guests. My sister & I with Laddie and Ching-a-ling *A dog named Laddie who stayed under the bed as long as there was thunder outside. *A dog named Gertrude who slept on our bed without permission but never got caught. When you started up the stairs you'd hear a thump, and on the bed there would be a small imprint, but

30 Days of Christmas Day 9: A Pet Question

If you know the Sleuth Sisters, you've met Buddy, Faye's mongrel, and Styx, Retta's Newfoundland. You know Barb has formed a tenuous relationship with a stray cat. Book #2 had some horses join the family, and Book #3 took us to the family farm, where there are reindeer and peafowl. In the 4th Sleuth Sisters book, chickens are an inciting factor--Bet you never heard that in a mystery before! All this brought to mind a question for today's post: If money, space, and other possible drawbacks were somehow taken care of, what animal would you choose to get for a Christmas gift? (to add to the ones you already share space with, of course)